Content written by-Duran Duus
If you walk down the street, you probably notice that a lot of people own a dog. Perhaps you own one as well, and wish to know a little more about them. This article is going to teach you the basics of caring for a dog, along with other tips. Keep reading and you'll be an expert on dogs in no time.
Just as you need an annual physical exam, dogs do as well. Obviously, dogs don't speak, so it can be hard to figure out when they're having problems with their bones or teeth. An annual checkup can help catch such issues before they become a major problem.
Your pet needs vaccinations, much in the same way that your baby does. Some common vaccinations that dogs require include rabies, hepatitis and distemper. Each pet is different, and each will have a different immunization schedule. Your veterinarian is a great resource when it comes to which vaccinations are right for the age and breed of your pet.
Never allow your dog to be alone with small children, no matter how much you trust his temperament. Many little kids have been attacked by family dogs who have otherwise never demonstrated a tendency towards violence. Sleeping dogs may be woken by a toddler and react negatively or some other offense is committed against the animal that sets him off.
If you're on a tight budget at home, think carefully before getting a dog. They actually cost hundreds of dollars annually, but many people don't realize this until they've actually forked over the money. Depending on the size and regular maintenance requirements of your new dog, you could be getting in way over your head and forced to part with him later so make sure beforehand.
Avoid issues of jealously if you have more than one animal. Particularly if you bring a young dog into the home of an older dog, problems can arise. Be considerate of the patience and energy levels of your senior dog and make sure his feelings aren't hurt by giving the new guy all the attention.
When you own a dog, you typically understand the general costs of ownership, such as food, vet visits, and grooming. A generally overlooked cost is emergency situations. Although it may not happen frequently, you should have a bit of money set aside for any emergency that may arise. It's better to be prepared for an emergency vet visit than to wonder how you are going to pay for it.
Teach your dog the proper way to walk while on a leash. He ought to be next to you rather than ahead or behind. should also respond to the "heel" command. If your pet is leash trained, it'll be safer, and you'll enjoy walks more as well. Even if you practice a loose leash walk, it's still important for your pet to know this command.
Positive reinforcement is the best way to train your dog. You should congratulate your dog when it displays a good behavior, for instance by giving it a treat or petting it. Talk to your dog in a soft voice and make sure you praise it every time the good behavior is displayed.
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Stepping on sharp objects or glass is a common hazard for dogs waling outside. If you notice a small cut on your dog, use antiseptic to wash it, and then put a bandage around it. If the cut is deep, check with your vet.
Do not keep your dog outdoors all day. While this happens quite often, a dog needs interaction during the day. If there is only one dog in your household, he may feel lonely outdoors. You need to bring your dog inside the house when it is inclement weather outside.
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If your dog seems to have a bad reaction from every shampoo you use on him, try a green product. Most commercial brands of dog shampoo contain a lot of things like phosphates and sulfates, which can irritate your dog's skin. They are also harmful to the environment so you'll be solving two problems at once.
To discourage your dog from chewing everything in the house, combine equal parts of water, white vinegar and apple-cider vinegar in a spray bottle. Gently mist things like shoes and umbrella handles and this should repel your dog. If not, dab a little minty muscle ointment on the things he's prone to chomping and that should work for sure.
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When you are training your dog, don't have too many people telling your dog what to do. Everybody does things differently, and a dog can be confused by having several commanders. Have on training your dog, and have anyone else work to reinforce what the dog is learning. No matter what their opinions are, they should stick to the rules set by the trainer.
Never approach a dog you are unfamiliar with. Teach . An unfamiliar dog may look friendly, but he could have a vicious bite. Even if he is not a biter, he might jump on you, potentially causing harm. Always ask his owner for permission before approaching him.
Before you decide to go get a dog you should think about the individual needs of different breeds of dogs. Some dogs can get enough exercise in the home, while others may need a few hours outside each day. These factors can mean a lot when it comes to meeting the needs of your new family member.
Rely on positive reinforcement when you train your dog. Rewards will really help the training much more than threats and violence. Treating your dog well isn't just the humane thing to do, it's effective. Therefore, be kind during training; you are going to get better and quicker results.
If your dog seems to be struggling with learning commands, consider getting a clicker. A clicker is a tool that is useful when training as it teaches your pup that when he does something correctly, a click will happen which is immediately followed by a reward. Clicker training can be helpful for teaching commands, tricks, and walking manners.
You should not let your dog go outside without supervision. It is best to provide your dog with a safe space such as a fenced yard. Inspect your fence to make sure your dog cannot escape. If you do not have a fence, always go outside with your dog so you can keep an eye on it.
In summary, dogs help their owners experience unconditional love. However, in order to maximize your relationship with your dog, it's necessary to know all you can about them. This piece has provided useful tips for dog owners everywhere. Use what you have learned here and learn whatever else you can about owning a dog.